Employment Application


  • Complete the application in its entirety.
  • Specify the position for which you are applying.
  • Sign and date application where indicated. All information provided is subject to verification.


Applied for Position is required.
Date Available is required.
Days/Hours Available is required.
Looking for:


First Name is required.
Last Name is required.

Address is required.
City is required.
State is required.
Zip is required.
Mobile Phone Number is required.

email is required.
*Note: By providing your e-mail address, you consent to Metro Electric sending you communications regarding your employment and the results of your criminal background check (if applicable) to you via email. Such a background check will not be conducted without your separate authorization.
Are you age 18 or older?

Upon hire, can you show proper documentation that you are legally authorized to accept employment in this country?


High School Name is required.
Location of High School is required.

Job-Related Training or Coursework (Vocational, Trade, Business, etc.)

School Name is required.
Course of Study is required.
School Name is required.
Course of Study is required.
Number of Years Attended:

School Name is required.
Course of Study is required.
School Name is required.
Course of Study is required.
Number of Years Attended:

School Name is required.
Course of Study is required.
School Name is required.
Course of Study is required.
Number of Years Attended:


Employer Name is required.
Title is required.
Employer Address is required.
Phone Number is required.
Employed From:
Employed from is required
Hourly Wage:
Hourly Wage is required
Supervisor’s Name is required
May we contact them?

Reason for leaving is required

Employed From:
Hourly Wage:
May we contact them?

Employed From:
Hourly Wage:
May we contact them?


Please list two non-family personal references.
Reference Name is required.
Relationship is required.
Phone Number is required.
Years Known is required.

Reference Name is required.
Relationship is required.
Phone Number is required.
Years Known is required.


I understand that, unless the terms of my employment are governed by a collective bargaining agreement, the employer follows an “employment at will” policy, in that I or the employer may terminate my employment at any time, or for any reason consistent with the applicable state or federal law. I understand that this application is not a contract of employment. I understand that federal law prohibits the employment of unauthorized aliens; all persons hired must submit satisfactory proof of employment authorization and identity; failure to submit such proof will result in denial of employment.

I understand that the employer may thoroughly investigate and verify all data given on this application. I understand that Metro Electric may conduct a criminal background check and require me to take a drug test. I authorize all individuals named therein, except my current employer if so noted, to provide any information requested about me, and I release them from all liability for damage in providing this information.

If I am hired by Metro Electric, I authorize Metro Electric or its representatives, for the duration of my employment, to provide the results of any background check or “Consumer Report” obtained under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FRCA), drug screen, or I-9 (employment authorization) information to any third party entity requesting such information for whom Metro Electric is providing services where I am employed.

I certify that all the statements herein are true and understand that any falsification or willful omission shall be sufficient cause for dismissal or refusal of employment.

DISCLAIMER: By typing your name below, you are signing this application electronically. You agree that your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.

Your Signature:
Date is required.