Metro: Live in the D

July 14, 2023
Metro: Live in the D Feature Image

On July 13th, Metro Electric’s very own Kristina Perkins joined Live in the D to discuss the top five generator facts that homeowners may not know! You can watch the full segment by clicking here, or keep reading for a summary.

1. Your wattage determines your generator size

Generator sizes are based on their electrical output, rather than their physical dimensions. These sizes are measured in watts (W) or kilowatts (kW), which are measures of electricity (1kW = 1,000W). In order to keep your home properly powered, you’ll need to know how many total watts you use; Metro will set you up with a suitable size for your needs.

2. Installation can last the whole day

Metro installers will arrive at your home between 7:30 and 8am. There is a guaranteed four person team setting up your generator, including one of our licensed electricians, a licensed gas line installer, and their apprentices. Installation can take the full day, and at the end, the generator will be tested and you’ll be educated on its functionality.

3. Your city may require specific generator placement

Depending on where you live, rules and regulations about where your generator can be placed vary. Metro also follows the National Electrical Code, meaning that the generator must be five feet away from any home openings, such as windows or doors, and ten feet away from any fresh air intake vents.

4. Generators are about as loud as a lawnmower

If you’re wondering how loud your Generac generator will be when it kicks on, try listening to the sound of a riding lawnmower. Generators have a similar low hum- when you hear it, you can be assured that your power will stay on.

5. You don’t have to break the bank

There are plenty of financial options available to ease the cost of a new generator. Metro partners with Synchrony Financial to find a solution that fits your budget, with the most popular option being an 18 month plan.

If you’re feeling more confident in your decision to purchase a generator, send a service request to Metro, and start your journey to peace of mind. The consultation is free!