5 Electrical Safety Tips for the Workplace

You may feel that electricity isn’t a danger to your work if you aren’t an electrician- but the stats say differently. According to the Electrical Safety Foundation, approximately 69% of electrical fatalities at the workplace have involved non-electrical occupations. For Electrical Safety Month, we’d like to highlight ways to keep your workplace safe from dangerous sparks.
1. Look to company guidelines
Each company will have unique relations to electrical use. Make sure to familiarize yourself with company safety guidelines first and foremost, since they will contain any specialized knowledge.
2. Use electrical equipment properly
It’s important to brush up on wire and plug safety for the workplace. Keep yourself and your coworkers safe by following these guidelines:
- Pull out cords by the plug head, rather than the cord
- Don’t stretch electrical cords
- Keep cords untangled and uncovered
3. Be aware of power lines
Any outdoor job may have you working near overhead power lines. 46% of all electrical fatalities are caused by contact with overhead power lines, with 57% of those fatalities being in non-electrical occupations. Remember to always keep yourself and equipment at least 10 feet away from powerlines, and carry large equipment (such as ladders) horizontally.
4. Regularly inspect electrical components
Wires, plugs, and outlets should be routinely checked for any degradation or damage. Wires and outlets are often placed behind desks at the workplace, and may become neglected over time. The rubber insulation of wires can break down and leave them hazardous.
5. Keep the workspace clean
Dust and clutter can become a dangerous fire starter when it’s concentrated around wires and outlets. If your workspace doesn’t receive consistent cleaning, any spark could turn into a hazard.