Make A Plan

This month’s goal:
When an emergency happens, you may have to decide what to do very quickly. By planning ahead, it will be easier to make the right decisions when the worst happens.
Talking about disasters can be scary, especially with children, or with someone who may have difficulty coping with daily life. Be open and positive. Meet with your family or household members. Identify responsibilities for each member and plan to work together as a team.

Add a tornado safe room to your home, or add extra protection to an existing room to keep your family safe in a tornado. Choose a hallway or room as far away from windows as possible. If nothing else, take shelter under a sturdy piece of furniture. Look for FEMA publication 320 for more information.
Elevate your home above the base flood level or take steps to flood-proof. Elevate your utilities above the base flood level. Make sure you have adequate flood venting. Use flood-resistant building materials when you build or remodel. Taking steps like these can lower your flood insurance rates.
Choose two places for your family to meet. One should be right outside your home in case of a sudden emergency, such as a fire. The other should be outside of your neighborhood, in case you cannot return home or are asked to evacuate. Hold evacuation drills at home. Practice getting out of the house quickly, and drive your planned evacuation route.
Plan ahead for your pets.
Keep a phone list of pet-friendly hotels and animal shelters that are along your evacuation route in case a designated pet shelter is not available.

Content provided by Do1Thing.