Power Lines

We are in the midst of Michigan’s winter storm season. Sometimes these storms can lead to power outages or structural damage. Metro Electric is here to remind you that downed power lines can be deadly. ALWAYS assume a downed power line is live and avoid going near it or anything in contact with it.
Always Use Precaution
Did you know downed power lines can energize the ground up to 35 feet away? So, if you see a downed power line immediately notify local authorities. If you are near a downed power line, the safe way to move away from it is to shuffle away with small steps, keeping your feet together and on the ground at all times.

1. Do not touch your vehicle and the ground at the same time with any part of your body or clothing.
2. Open the door to your vehicle without touching the metal door frame.
3. Jump out of the vehicle with both feet together so both feet land at the same time.
4. Shuffle away so that the toe of one foot shuffles forward along the length of the other foot, ensuring that both feet are in constant contact and always touching the ground.