Program Your Savings
Sometimes life gets too hectic, and the last thing on your mind is the temperature of your house as you’re trying to round up the kids and get them out the door. Luckily, we live in a technologically-full world, and we can invest our money where we can’t invest our time.
Did you know, when properly used, a programmable thermostat can save 10-20 percent of your energy use? Run your heating, ventilation and cooling on automatic rather than running it continuously.
In the winter,
set your thermostat as high as is comfortable. Program your thermostat to cool down your house during the day and heat it back up before you get home. Every extra degree of cooling or heating increases energy usage 6-8 percent.
In the summer,
set your thermostat as high as is comfortable. Program your thermostat to raise the temperature during the day when you’re not home, and cool the house down before you arrive home.
Setting your thermostat at a lower temperature won’t make your home cool faster.
Metro Electric is your go-to for all your home electrical installations. Find out how you can bundle service installs to get the most for your dollar! Schedule your service request today.