Safety Checklist

You’ve deep cleaned all the bedrooms, wiped down every cabinet and even gutted the gutters but there’s a few important items around your house that need and require annual attention.
#1 Get the household involved.
Make spring cleaning a household endeavor. Even young children can be excellent helpers. Assign age-appropriate chores, so everyone feels included. Try throwing on some music as you all clean or establishing a household reward as an incentive to get the work done.
#2 Replace your HVAC air filter.
Replace and clean the vents throughout your home to remove dust. The EPA says indoor air can be five times more polluted than outdoor air, especially after winter when households stay sealed and locked.
#3 Remove any standing water.
Now that all of the snow has melted, you might find standing water in your yard or garden. Pests lay eggs in stagnant water. Birdbaths, buckets, and puddles are prime real estate for mama mosquitos.
#4 Test smoke, fire, and carbon monoxide alarm.
To ensure you family stays safe, remember to test all of your smoke alarms once a month and replace the entire detector every ten years. Note: The test button only checks the battery on carbon monoxide alarms, so you’ll need to replace or recalibrate the detector at least every five years even if the test button works.
#5 Check your fire extinguisher.
Love to cook? Be sure there’s a fire extinguisher nearby and be sure you know how to use it in the even of an emergency. Even experienced chefs need to be prepared for unexpected fires.