Adjustment Season

It’s almost here, Michigan’s most colorful time of the year! The time of the year every Michigander looks forward to, fall. Our weekends will soon be wrapped in scarves and filled with hot cider. But to fully enjoy all the possible fall festivities, it’s important to get those pesky household winter preparation tasks completed sooner rather than later. Check out the seven tasks below that when completed now, will save you a lot of hassle come the cold winter season.
1. Clean out the gutters.
No one loves this job, but we all need to do it annually. A few hours of work can prevent big problems later on.
2. Clean outdoor furniture and gardening tools.
It may not yet be time to put them away, but go ahead and clean your outdoor furniture and gardening tools so they’re ready for storage over the winter.
3. Prepare your furnace for winter duty.
If you didn’t already do it last spring, consider getting your furnace professionally serviced in time for the cold season. At the minimum, though, visually inspect your furnace and replace the furnace filter before turning it on for the first time.
4. Clean the fireplace and chimney.
Clean out the fireplace, inspect the flue, and ensure the doors and shields are sound. Have the chimney professionally swept if needed. Now’s also the time to stock up on firewood!
5. Home safety check.
Replace the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide monitors. A good way to remember to do this is to always replace the batteries when you change the clock for daylight saving time. Create a family fire escape plan, or review the one you already have. Put together an emergency preparedness kit so that you are ready for winter power outages.
6. Nurture indoor plants.
Houseplants are always good go-to decorations because they require little upkeep, and add a touch of freshness to any space. They are particularly useful in the fall because they can double as herb gardens or unique decor. Install a small indoor garden on your windowsill or on a shelf near a window to have easy access to fresh rosemary, sage, and basil, even when the weather might not call for gardening.
7. Mow the lawn.
Cut the grass one last time, and mow it short to prevent diseases from spreading. Collect the grass clippings and add them to your compost pile. Now is also a good time to complete your edging and weed-whacking chores. When you’re done mowing, winterize your mower and other outdoor power tools by draining the gasoline so it doesn’t become stale and gunk up your equipment next year.